August 28, 2009

BeijingDance / LDTX' Masterpiece Series

One Table N Chairs

choreographed by Willy Tsao, Li Hanzhong and Ma Bo
performed by BeijingDance / LDTX

Sep. 25, 2009 19:30
Beijing Haidian Theater

Choreographed by Chinese Modern Dance pioneer, Willy Tsao and BeijingDance / LDTX most charismatic duo, Li Honzhong and Ma Bo, One Table N Chairs embodies the spirit of traditional Chinese opera and at the same time subverts its conventional form and content.

After three hundred years of refinement, traditional Chinese opera has developed an extremely precise and yet abstract artistic language. Despite dramatic facial makeup and elaborate costumes, the set of traditional Chinese opera consists only of “one table and two chairs”. The combination of complex content and a simple form has a parallel in modern dance, which seeks to express complex ideas through simple physical forms.

In nine excerpts from operas of different regions of China, including the famous Seeing Off for Eighteen Miles (from The Butterfly Lovers), Princess Changping, and The Seventh Fairy Maiden, the Chinese modern dance pioneers blasphemously transpose traditional Chinese opera to modern dance, through the stylised gestures of the hands, the eyes, the body, the hair, and the feet (also known as the five senses of Chinese opera).
It will change your way of seeing Chinese opera forever!

Program inquiry: 6405 4842
Ticketing hotline: 400 818 333/ 6406 8888/ 6406 9999
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BeijingDance / LDTX
Address: Beijing Dance Drama and Opera, Room 211, 1 Shuang Jing Ba Ke Yang Shu, Chaoyang
District, Beijing, China 100022
Tel: (8610) 6405 4842
Fax: (8610) 6405 4842


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Rena Shagan Associates | Chinese Dancers Association | 舞门网

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